Open Weekend
March 16-17 STANDARD
Your #SCGDC Legacy Open champion with TES: Bryant Cook! Join @SCGLive next week in Kansas City for #SCGKC! | Birmingham Classic Top 16 Decklists  
Nguyen, Richard
Edelkamp, Erik
Goss, Jon
Felicetti, Ted
Bauer, David
Allen, Dustin
Morrison, Mark
Fabiano, Gerard
Nguyen, Richard 2-1
Goss, Jon 2-0
Bauer, David 2-0
Fabiano, Gerard 2-1
Goss, Jon 2-0
Bauer, David 2-0
Bauer, David 2-0
Top 16 Standard Decklists from the StarCityGames.com Classic Series in Birmingham, AL.
David and Jon are here on the backs of Junk decks of different types, one midrange and one reanimator. Which green, white, and black deck will take the trophy? Both of these players drove up together from Lancaster, Pennsylvania, both are members of Team Panda, and both players are playing some interesting meta-calls. It’s March, so it’s tournament time! The 4-5 matchup here in DC is Junk on Junk, Midrange vs. Reanimator. Whose cuisine will reign supreme? We've seen the largest Open, the largest Classic, the largest Japanese Grand Prix, the largest Team Grand Prix, and the largest ever Grand Prix in the last few weeks. What's the biggest reason for the uptick in attendance? Junk Reanimator, a green-black-white deck with an Unburial Rites focus, has reemerged as a favorite in the last week. Waht's the best way to combat the new (old) kid on the block? There are so many gems in Standard that have yet to have their day in the sun! What's the most underappreciated of the bunch? As an Emissary of the Burning-Tree Clan, the Gruul hybrid 2/2 has seen a lot of play already, but in recent weeks it has been significantly less popular than it was event a few weeks ago. Will it make a comeback, or did its flame burn out? JJ Scalco goes over his Build-A-Bear deck featuring Master Biomancer. StarCityGames.com Columbia Classic winner Chris Yarbrough goes over his Bant Auras list. David McDarby shows off an older favorite, Solar Flare, updated for today's metagame.  
Jeff Kieper
Ben Green
Sam Roukas
Romario Neto
Ralph Fitzpatrick
Bryant Cook
James Higginbottom
Javier Arevalo
Ben Green 2-0
Romario Neto 2-1
Bryant Cook 2-0
James Higginbottom 2-1
Ben Green 2-0
Bryant Cook 2-0
Bryant Cook 2-1
Delver of Secrets has a new home in America… or U/W/R, as it were. Can it brave the Storm? James is well known for playing Delver variants in Legacy. Bryant is the originator of TES (The Epic Storm) in Legacy. They know each other well. But only one of them can move on to the finals! While Deathrite Shaman is getting top billing as the best 1/2 in Legacy, both Romario and Sam beg to differ. Will Metalworker or Stoneforge Mystic come out on top in this battle of the Squires? With Grand Prix Utrecht attracting over 2,000 people this weekend and the first Team Limited Open in in Somerset on May 5, it makes you think of what the best possible teammates could be. Who would you pick? The last time the StarCityGames.com Open Series came to the District of Columbia, Tribal was all the rage. But now it's very rare to see Merfolk, Elves, and Goblins near the top tables. Where have all of the Onslaught and Lorwyn cards gone? Jack Colwell and Alex Binek have taken down back-to-back Opens with U/W/R Miracles. Will the new Control deck on the block continue to hold its own? |