Modern Open Top 8 Profiles
Marshall Arthurs Age: 36 Hometown: Archetype: Why did you play the deck you played this weekend? What was the most memorable moment from the tournament? Jonathan Hobbs Age: 18 Hometown: Archetype: Why did you play the deck you played this weekend? What was the most memorable moment from the tournament? Dylan Hand Age: 25 Hometown: Archetype: Why did you play the deck you played this weekend? What was the most memorable moment from the tournament? Peter Tragos Age: 27 Hometown: Archetype: Why did you play the deck you played this weekend? What was the most memorable moment from the tournament? Caleb Scherer Age: 29 Hometown: Archetype: Why did you play the deck you played this weekend? What was the most memorable moment from the tournament? Jimmie Smith Age: 31 Hometown: Archetype: Why did you play the deck you played this weekend? What was the most memorable moment from the tournament? Jadine Klomparens (@thequietfish) Age: 2? Hometown: Archetype: Why did you play the deck you played this weekend? What was the most memorable moment from the tournament? Jessy Hefner Age: 26 Hometown: Archetype: Why did you play the deck you played this weekend? What was the most memorable moment from the tournament? |