Modern Open Top 8 Profiles
Jonathan Rosum Age: 19 Hometown: Archetype: Why did you play the deck you played this weekend? What was the most memorable moment from the swiss? Ross Merriam Age: 28 Hometown: Archetype: Why did you play the deck you played this weekend? What was the most memorable moment from the swiss? James "Kerry" Foerst Age: 22 Hometown: Archetype: Why did you play the deck you played this weekend? What was the most memorable moment from the swiss? Benjamin Nikolich Age: 20 Hometown: Archetype: Why did you play the deck you played this weekend? What was the most memorable moment from the swiss? Becky Adlman Age: 20 Hometown: Archetype: Why did you play the deck you played this weekend? What was the most memorable moment from the swiss? Dan Musser Age: 32 Hometown: Archetype: Why did you play the deck you played this weekend? What was the most memorable moment from the swiss? Zachary Alexander Age: 24 Hometown: Archetype: Why did you play the deck you played this weekend? What was the most memorable moment from the swiss? Kazu Negri Age: 19 Hometown: Archetype: Why did you play the deck you played this weekend? What was the most memorable moment from the swiss? |