Day 2 Metagame Breakdown
All players with 18 points made Day 2, meaning 110 players would return to battle for a shot at the Top 8 of the Standard Open at #SCGCIN. With the release of Hour Devastation combined with the recent banning of Aetherworks+Marvel, Standard is wide open for the first time in months.
While only a handful of new archetypes emerged with the release of the latest set, many decks have gained pieces or are finally enjoying a format without Marvel keeping them down. W/U Monument took the top spot with 13 copies on Day 2 and was the only deck to make up more than 10 percent of the field in the second day of competition.
Temur Energy and Mardu Vehicles tied for the No. 2 spot with 10 copies each on Day 2, each gaining access to Abrade from Hour+of+Devastation. The Temur Energy shell also supported other archetypes like Temur Emerge, Delirium, Pummeler, Monsters, and the Five-Color Planeswalker decks.
Grixis Control and U/R Control took the next two spots, and combined would be the most-played archetype on Day 2, with nine and seven copies, respectively. Temur Control, U/B, and Four-Color Control also showed up on Day 2.
G/R Ramp, using Hour+of+Promise from Hour+of+Devastation, had six pilots on Day 2, all looking to ramp into a turn five or six Ulamog%2C+the+Ceaseless+Hunger. The deck also got to use Hour of Devastation's namesake card to keep aggressive decks in check.
The middle of the pack is filled with other energy and midrange decks. G/B Energy had five copies on Day 2, along with R/B Eldrazi. B/W Zombies had four champions, while Mono-Black Zombies had three. Sultai Delirium also had four copies make Day 2, while U/R Emerge had three - all utilizing Champion+of+Wits.
At two players each on Day 2, Mono-Red Aggro, B/R Aggro, U/R Prowess, G/R Pummeler, Temur Control, and Five-Color Planeswalkers. Interesting one-of strategies include: G/R Aggro (with madness elements), Bant Spirits, B/W Tokens, Mono-Red Eldrazi, and Jund Energy.
The full metagame breakdown looks like this:
W/U Monument - 13
Temur Energy - 10
Mardu Vehicles - 10
Grixis Control - 9
U/R Control - 7
G/R Ramp - 6
G/B Energy - 5
R/B Eldrazi - 5
B/W Zombies - 4
Sultai Delirium - 4
Mono-Black Zombies - 3
U/R Emerge - 3
Mono-Red Aggro - 2
Five-Color Planeswalkers - 2
Temur Emerge - 2
B/R Aggro - 2
Temur Control - 2
U/R Prowess - 2
G/R Pummeler - 2
U/B Control - 1
G/R Energy - 1
Mono-Red Eldrazi - 1
Bant Spirits - 1
Temur Delirium - 1
Four-Color Control - 1
B/W Midrange - 1
G/W Tokens - 1
Temur Pummeler - 1
G/R Aggro - 1
W/B Tokens - 1
U/W Spirits - 1
Temur Monsters - 1
Jund Energy - 1
W/U Flash - 1
B/U Zombies - 1
Esper Aggro - 1