The Next Level Magic books by Patrick Chapin "The Innovator" are your guides to Magic: The Gathering mastery. The Pro Tour champion and Hall of Famer shows the way with clear, entertaining, and informative prose.
Next Level Magic
The 2015 Edition of Next Level Magic ties every area of Magic together: card advantage, mulligans, manabases, bluffing, metagaming, forming a team, sideboarding, proper preparation, and much, much more! Patrick Chapin makes all the connections clear in this intuitive and entertaining reference.
Next Level Deckbuilding
Next Level Deckbuilding by Patrick Chapin "The Innovator" is a must-read for players of every experience level! The ultimate guide to mastering deckbuilding in Magic: The Gathering, Next Level Deckbuilding covers everything from beatdown to control, Standard to Commander, and manabases to sideboards. Next Level Deckbuilding also breaks down Magic's sixteen basic archetypes using the revolutionary Deckbuilding Wheel and explores the colorful history of the game's greatest deck designers.
About the Author
Award-winning author Patrick Chapin "The Innovator" is a member of the Magic: The Gathering Hall of Fame class of 2012 and author of the widely popular Next Level Deckbuilding. The winner of Pro Tour Journey into Nyx is the first player to Top 8 Pro Tours in three different decades. A renowned deckbuilder, Chapin is known for Next Level Blue, Cruel Control, Dragonstorm, Tezzeret, Grixis, U/W Control, Next Level Bant, Gifts, Aluren, Sligh, and countless other tournament-winning strategies.
Others about Patrick Chapin
"In the history of the game, few players have had both a complex theoretical understanding of the game and also the practical chops to play the game at the top level; Patrick is one of the best."
—Magic Writer/Theorist, Adrian Sullivan
"Patrick Chapin is quite simply one of the best, most innovative deckbuilders in the history of Magic."
—Fourteen-time Pro Tour Top 8 competitor, Jon Finkel
"Patrick is more passionate than anyone about Magic and it's history and community. Unique insights and experience make him a great teammate." —Hall of Famer, Jelger Wiegersma
"Patrick is not only an exceptional deckbuilder and theorist, he also has a knack for making it understandable. Often the 'why' is what improves your games."
—Hall of Famer, Bob Maher
"Patrick Chapin's skill at deckbuilding, lifespan of relevance, and list of co-builders is unparalleled in the game."
—2006 Pro Tour Honolulu champion, Mark Herberholz