Creatures (5)
- 1 Torrential Gearhulk
- 1 Brazen Borrower
- 1 Nezahal, Primal Tide
- 1 Tasigur, the Golden Fang
- 1 The Scarab God
Planeswalkers (1)
Lands (26)
Spells (28)
- 1 Shark Typhoon
- 1 Behold the Multiverse
- 1 Censor
- 1 Cling to Dust
- 1 Commit
- 1 Dig Through Time
- 1 Disdainful Stroke
- 1 Disfigure
- 1 Eliminate
- 1 Erebos's Intervention
- 1 Fatal Push
- 1 Heartless Act
- 1 Hero's Downfall
- 1 Jwari Disruption
- 1 Negate
- 1 Neutralize
- 1 Opt
- 1 Saw It Coming
- 1 Sinister Sabotage
- 1 Soul Shatter
- 1 Sublime Epiphany
- 1 Tyrant's Scorn
- 1 Vraska's Contempt
- 1 Search for Azcanta
- 1 Bloodchief's Thirst
- 1 Extinction Event
- 1 Shadows' Verdict
- 1 Thoughtseize