Creatures (13)
- 1 Boot Nipper
- 1 Drannith Healer
- 2 Garrison Cat
- 2 Maned Serval
- 1 Regal Leosaur
- 2 Savai Sabertooth
- 2 Serrated Scorpion
- 2 Whisper Squad
Lands (15)
Spells (12)
- 1 Pacifism
- 2 Solid Footing
- 1 Coordinated Charge
- 1 Corpse Churn
- 1 Dark Bargain
- 1 Dire Tactics
- 1 Easy Prey
- 2 Spontaneous Flight
- 2 Swallow Whole
- 1 Savai Crystal
- 1 Crystacean
- 1 Drannith Magistrate
- 1 Gloom Pangolin
- 1 Insatiable Hemophage
- 1 Ivy Elemental
- 1 Perimeter Sergeant
- 1 Vulpikeet
- 1 Escape Protocol
- 2 Solid Footing
- 1 Titans' Nest
- 1 Blade Banish
- 1 Dark Bargain
- 1 Heightened Reflexes
- 1 Sudden Spinnerets
- 1 Suffocating Fumes
- 1 Lurrus of the Dream-Den
- 1 Blazing Volley
- 1 Cathartic Reunion