So Many Insane Plays - My Black Lotuses Attack for Two
Monday, September 20th - Stephen unveils a new deck - Snake City Vault!
Stephen Menendian
So Many Insane Plays - My Black Lotuses Attack for Two
Monday, September 20th - Stephen unveils a new deck - Snake City Vault!
Stephen Menendian
So Many Insane Plays - Attacking Jace
Tuesday, September 14th - Stephen designs a foil deck to keep Jace/Time Vault in check, and runs you through a game to show you how to beat Jace down!
Stephen Menendian
So Many Insane Plays - If It Ain't Broke, Fix It
Monday, September 6th - Vintage is healthier than ever, and yet Stephen wants Gush, Frantic Search, and Burning Wish to be unrestricted. Why?
Stephen Menendian
So Many Insane Plays - Does Mishra's Workshop Suck? The 2010 Vintage Championship
Monday, August 30th - Vintage maestro Stephen Menendian presents the pros and cons of Workshop decks, and highlights his Vintage Championship performance.
Stephen Menendian
So Many Insane Plays - In Vintage, Jace is Protection From Game
Monday, August 23rd - At a prelim tournament before the Vintage Championships at GenCon, Stephen Menendian played Tezzeret Control to a fine finish. He explains his workings today.
Stephen Menendian
So Many Insane Plays - CounterTop Emrakul in Legacy
Monday, August 16th - At GenCon, Stephen Menendian rocked an exciting CounterTop Emrakul list in the Legacy Championship. Today, he takes us through his tournament performance in time for the StarCityGames.com Legacy Open in Denver.
Stephen Menendian
So Many Insane Plays - The Q2 Vintage Market Report
Monday, August 9th - With Vintage in the spotlight thanks to last weekend’s Vintage Champs at GenCon, Stephen Menendian brings us the latest article in his excellent Vintage Market Report series. He examines recent results from around the world, provides metagame predictions, shares financial tips and decklists, and more!
Stephen Menendian
So Many Insane Plays - Why I Played Lands at Grand Prix: Columbus
Monday, August 2nd - Stephen Menendian and his team prepared well for Grand Prix: Columbus. Their weapon of choice? Lands. Today, Stephen takes us through his tournament experience, and explains why he believes that Lands was a fine contender for the perceived metagame going in… [Editor's Note - Patrick Chapin will be appearing on Friday!]
Stephen Menendian
So Many Insane Plays - Last Call: Reanimator versus CounterTop Thopter
Monday, July 26th - Grand Prix: Columbus is almost upon us, and the Legacy faithful are ready! Today, Stephen Menendian looks at a matchup that’s sure to be numerous in Columbus: Reanimator versus CounterTop Thopter. If you’re planning on piloting either of these decks, this is the article for you!
Stephen Menendian
So Many Insane Plays - Tribal Warfare! Goblins versus Merfolk in Legacy
Monday, July 19th - Grand Prix: Columbus is fast approaching, and Legacy fans across the world are deep into their preparation. Today, Stephen Menendian tests a pair of Tribal decks that are sure to appear in force at the upcoming event: Goblins and Merfolk!
Stephen Menendian
So Many Insane Plays - M11 Is Amazing in Vintage: A Core Set Review
Monday, July 12th - While M10 sold in record Core Set numbers, it added very little to Vintage. M11, however, is a different story. Today, Stephen Menendian scours the set for the cards that’ll have an impact on Magic’s most powerful format. He also brings us his latest Complete Vintage Checklist![Editor’s Note: Patrick Chapin will be here later in the week!]
Stephen Menendian
So Many Insane Plays - A Guide to Grand Prix: Columbus
Tuesday, July 6th - Earlier this year, Stephen Menendian presented the Complete Guide to Legacy. Today, he both updates this epic tome and presents exhaustive statistical analysis regarding his thoughts on the upcoming Legacy Grand Prix in Columbus! He also wades into the Mystical Tutor debate…
Stephen Menendian
So Many Insane Plays - First Place with MUD
Monday, June 28th - Stephen Menendian believes that MUD is in a perfect position in the current Vintage metagame. Today, he talks us through his continuing thoughts on the strategy, and shares some key decisions and plays from a recent Vintage tournament in which he powered to victory!
Stephen Menendian
So Many Insane Plays - The New Legacy Banned List, And What It Means For You
Monday, June 21st - Legacy has undergone a subtle change this past weekend, with the bannings and unrestrictions from the Powers That Be. Just how will the removal of Mystical Tutor affect the metagame? Even though it doesn’t kick in until July, will the news impact on this weekend’s StarCityGames.com Legacy Open in St. Louis? Stephen shares his initial thoughts…
Stephen Menendian
So Many Insane Plays - Pounding Your Opponent Into The MUD
Tuesday, June 15th - MUD, or Mono Brown, has been a Vintage staple for a fair few years. However, while a number of the strategy’s core cards are the same, there is a surprising variety between the separate builds. Today, Stephen Menendian presents a comprehensive look at one of the more aggressive options in Magic’s Broken Format.
Stephen Menendian
So Many Insane Plays - Five Cards to Unrestrict in Vintage
Tuesday, June 8th - Each June for the last three years, the DCI has made huge changes to the Vintage format by altering the Banned and Restricted list. Today, Stephen Menendian makes the case for unrestriction for five cards, each of which he believes will only add to the fun that is Magic’s most broken format. Do you agree with his choices?
Stephen Menendian
So Many Insane Plays - The Ages of Magic and the Future of the Game
Monday, May 31st - In this reflective article, Stephen Menendian examines the future of our great game, and considers the average age of a Magic player in particular. While the current push is towards Player Recruitment, is that the best way to ensure Magic’s long-term success?
Stephen Menendian
So Many Insane Plays - Grand Prix Columbus 2010: Exclusive Future Finals Coverage!
Monday, May 24th - Stephen Menendian has been to the future. Specifically, he’s flashed forward to the final Legacy match of Grand Prix: Columbus 2010! In an excellent and fun article, Stephen presents a play-by-play recap of the Legacy final, which promises thrills and spills galore! [Editor's Note - Patrick Chapin's article will be here later this week!]
Stephen Menendian
So Many Insane Plays - I'm a Landlubber: The Land Deck in Legacy
Monday, May 17th - The current Legacy metagame is brimming with playable options, as befits a format with an explosive card pool. Of course, there are some decks that rise to the top… One such deck is Lands, an uncommon strategy based around the most simple of resources. Stephen Menendian analyzes what’s needed to master the archetype.
Stephen Menendian
So Many Insane Plays - Grand Prix Madrid Nearly Killed Me, and I Wasn't Even There
Tuesday, May 11th - Stephen Menendian brings us an extensive examination of the Grand Prix: Madrid Legacy metagame, including statistical breakdowns of all the top performing archetypes. This exhaustive article also includes the top 64 decklists, unmissable if you’re after a Legacy deck for your next tournament!