With only 56 players in the field today, we have to ask: Where is everyone?
Carl Winter
With only 56 players in the field today, we have to ask: Where is everyone?
Carl Winter
An Interview With Vintage Slacker Ben Kowal
Carl goes way behind the scenes to bring you more information that you ever wanted to know about the man, the myth, the punk that is Vintage legend Ben Kowal.
Carl Winter
Carl takes a peek at how Vintage players look while they are playing and translates body language into information about their game.
Carl Winter
Carl takes a look at how various Vintage players look while they are playing the game and translates body language into what it means about a player's game.
Carl Winter
Round 5 Feature Match: Jacob Orlove (Workshop Aggro) vs. Peter Magyar (FCG)
Orlove began his turn by playing a Duplicant and not imprinting any of Magyar's 1/1's. Magyar took some Mana Crypt damage and did nothing but drop a land. Jacob played a Chalice of the Void for one and followed it up with a Chalice for two. On Maygar's upkeep, the quarter he flipped flew towards Orlove in what seemed to be an assassination attempt. It was but an honest mistake however, so play continued again with Magyar doing nothing.
Carl Winter
The Complete Metagame Breakdown
Crazy Carl breaks down all the deck archetypes that saw play here in Richmond.
Carl Winter
Quarterfinals: Andy Probasco (Gifts) vs. Adam O'Brien (Stax)
"This isn't going to end well," noted Adam.
Carl Winter
Finals: Justin Timoney (Gifts) vs Jesse Pinchot (Gifts)
The match began with a little action from both sides, the most notable being Pinchot attempting a Tinker, but Timoney was able to stop it and the board ground to a standstill as one normally sees in a Gifts mirror match.
Carl Winter
Type 4: A Way To Enjoy Magic Again Part III
As of this writing, my stack is a little over 330 cards with my target amount being three hundred fifty. The question remains, how do you build a stack of cards of that size and avoid using absolute crap?
Carl Winter
Type 4: A Way To Enjoy Magic Again Part II
Today Carl continues his introduction to Type 4 by covering removal spells, creatures, bombs, and general stack composition as well as giving some guidance on Type 4 draft archetypes.
Carl Winter
Type 4: A Way To Enjoy Magic Again Part I
Have you ever found yourself getting bored with Magic? I know I do on a nearly regular basis. I used to be able to renew my interest by building Revenge of 1997, my wacky five color, Vintage-legal, control deck which is a blast to play, but that eventually stopped doing the trick. Revenge was only a temporary solution. It was a fun deck that only had serious opponents. I needed something new. I needed something extreme. I knew that White Castle was going to be too hard to find, so I went for something four times as extreme as Vintage: Type 4
Carl Winter
The Two-Headed Finals: Robert Vroman, the Hero
This is it, folks. Carl covers Robert Vroman, the Hero in his epic battle against Matt Morrison, The Physical Incarnation Of All That Is Evil in full partisan style.
Carl Winter
NinjaMask, Big Pimpin', Blasts from the Past, The Cheats, the Impact of Saviors on Vintage and more! Carl covers it all on our on-the-spot Power 9 blog.
Carl Winter
Round 6 Feature Match: Dan Carp vs. Scott Limoges
The game actually started off with Carp hemming and hawing about his hand, deciding to keep while Limoges kept with no debate. Carp led off with a Tropical Island and a Chalice of the Void for zero. Limoges followed suit with a Seat of the Synod and dropped a Sol Ring. Carp's Forbidden Orchard showed the world that he was indeed running Oath, though he insisted he was running DeathLong.
Carl Winter
Round 8 Feature Match: Brian Demars vs. Jesus Roxas
Using some of his Mana Drain mana, Roxas was able to play a Fact or Fiction, getting a Tinker instead of his other choice of two lands, a Force of Will, and a Mindslaver. Roxas took the Tinker and again brought out the Sundering Titan which took out most of Demars' mana sources. To add insult to injury Roxas followed that up with a Goblin Welder and capped it all off, to Demars surprise, with an Ancestral Recall.
Carl Winter
Carl recaps the rest of the quarterfinals action in quick and dirty style.
Carl Winter
Life In An Aquarium: Learn To Be A Predator
Vintage is full of Fish lately. Where does that leave us? We live in an environment without predators, instead allowing those lower on the food (power) chain to go unchecked. Why is this? The Fish have been the ones putting all the work into innovating and really getting down to the nitty-gritty. An important deck building skill is to examine the popular decks and figure out what exactly their weaknesses lie.
Carl Winter
Shooting And Falling Stars At Star City P9: Rochester
The always entertaining former Vintage World Champion recaps his Star City P9: Rochester experience. Awesome sauce not included.
Carl Winter
A cursory look around the tables during the opening round shows that something very fishy is going on here...
Carl Winter
Carl discovers that the gentlemen from North of the Border are becoming suprisingly Americanized with their deck choices.