City Of Brass - A Mirran's Guide To New Phyrexia
There are a lot of interesting new possibilities for Vintage contained within New Phyrexia. How will cards like Phyrexian Metamorph or Glistener Elf impact the Eternal formats?
Andy Probasco
City Of Brass - A Mirran's Guide To New Phyrexia
There are a lot of interesting new possibilities for Vintage contained within New Phyrexia. How will cards like Phyrexian Metamorph or Glistener Elf impact the Eternal formats?
Andy Probasco
City Of Brass - Tropical Storm
Wednesday, April 6 - Andy Probasco is excited about his Tendrils Gush deck in Vintage, which he managed to take to first place at a Vintage tournament, dropping only a single game!
Andy Probasco
City of Brass - Painting the Town REB
Wednesday, March 9 - Inspired by a forum discussion, Andy Probasco has decided to fully delve into the fundamental question on everyone's minds: Red Elemental Blast or Pyroblast??
Andy Probasco
City Of Brass - Finding The Tinker Target
Wednesday, February 23 - Andy Probasco defines "strictly better" and analyzes exactly which Tinker target you should be running in Vintage. Time to scale the robots...
Andy Probasco
Tuesday, February 8 - Andy Probasco, resident Legacy expert, tells you how to construct mana bases in Legacy, a format riddled with Wastelands and nonbasic fixing. Sleeve up the perfect mana for SCG Legacy Open: DC on the 27th!
Andy Probasco
City of Brass - Vintage Besieged
Tuesday, January 25th - Is Vintage Magic heading for a shake-up this weekend? Andy explores how to evaluate new cards for Constructed formats and takes a detailed look at Mirrodin Besieged from an Eternal perspective.
Andy Probasco
City of Brass - Grudge Match 2: A Vintage Love Story
Tuesday, January 11th - Andy Probasco tells an epic tale about a tournament in New York where he played against monkeys and lost five cards from his deck with Power in it, all while playing some exciting matches and making deep plays.
Andy Probasco
City of Brass - How to Win Game Two
Tuesday, December 28th - Most people sideboard against specific cards in their opponents' deck, like Platinum Angel or Tarmogoyf.... And they're doing it wrong. Let me show you the question you should be asking.
Andy Probasco
City of Brass - This Is Madness
Tuesday, December 14th - Is there a method to the madness in these Vintage Madness decks? Not beatdown and not aggro-control, these decks are pure control and use Bazaar of Baghdad for card advantage. This deck may be the real deal.
Andy Probasco
City of Brass - Cube Drafting with Andy
Friday, December 3rd - A Cube Drafting walkthrough? Why yes, why not? Follow Andy pick-by-pick as he cube drafts with his friends - did he make the right choices? What would you have done?
Andy Probasco
City of Brass - So Many Inane Plays
Tuesday, November 16th - If before this event, a friend had asked, “Hey Andy, how many times are you going to play Pithing Needle naming Eye of Ugin today?†I wouldn't have guessed correctly. Check out Andy's SCG Open: Boston report!
Andy Probasco
City of Brass - Overseas Innovations
Tuesday, November 2nd - Though American tournaments recently have been small, Gush-free affairs, things have been brewing overseas. A 150-person tournament was held in Madrid, and the same two Gush lists made the finals.
Andy Probasco
City of Brass - When Is a Card Not a Card?
Tuesday, October 19th - Ancestral Recall is in contention for the distinction of "Best Card in Magic the Gathering." It’s not a card one lightly says "is terrible." But sometimes it is.
Andy Probasco
City of Brass - Riddle Me This
Monday, October 4th - Join returning writer, Andy Probasco, in his newest Vintage column! What has he been gushing about lately? Hmmm, more 2/1s for two? But not the ones you're probably thinking of.
Andy Probasco
SCG Daily - Brass Man Examines Stax
Andy "Brass Man" Probasco rounds out his excellent series of daily articles with a look at his SCG Power 9 Charlotte Top 8 deck. It worked for him... could it work for you?
Andy Probasco
SCG Daily - Brass Man Errata Review
I want to avoid a set review, but the current hot topic in Vintage may have supplied me with a workaround, and a shot at Magic Writer history. Yes, that's right, you're about to read the world's first ever errata review.
Andy Probasco
I seem to be on a recurring theme of “terrible decisions made by the Brass Man.” While terrible decisions are certainly something I'm well known for, I don't want anyone getting the wrong impression here. Every once and while, and I'm sure more often than I deserve, some of my terrible decisions pan out. I'm about to give you a decklist that has a perfect tournament record. In fact, it's never lost a match in tournament play. Mostly this is because I only played the list once and was harassed by well-intentioned friends to never run it again.
Andy Probasco
SCG Daily - Brass Man Horror Story
If you know me at all, you're probably familiar with my history of making ridiculous play errors. Unlike most players, I don't tend to make my mistakes in complex, stressful, game-altering turns. No, when I make a a mistake, it's generally with something completely obvious...
Andy Probasco
SCG Daily - A Vintage Tournament Report
Last time I wrote anything that got published, Flame Fusillade hadn't even been printed yet, never mind been killed by any number of Time Vault Erratas. A lot has happened since then, including near-infinite attempts to break Mana Drain further, and an unsuccessful foray onto the Pro Tour. Writing is definitely something I would like to get back into doing, and picking up the dailies seemed like a perfect opportunity...
Andy Probasco
More Vintage Tech with Randy Buehler
In the past, Randy has sleeved up some of the more popular control decks in Vintage, piloting Control Slaver and Meandeck Gifts in his previous victories. Considering his track record, it definitely seems like he knows what he's doing when choosing what to run. This time, Randy decided to play a Team Meandeck design that none of you have ever seen before.
[Editor's Note: This article would normally be premium, but keeping with the "interviews with R&D should be free" theme from the past, it has been made available to all readers.]