2 Stoic Rebuttal 4 Seachrome Coast 4 Preordain 4 Squadron Hawk 1 Deprive 3 Gideon Jura 4 Celestial Colonnade 4 Jace, the Mind Sculptor 3 Tectonic Edge 3 Day of Judgment 3 Journey to Nowhere 2 Scalding Tarn 4 Spell Pierce 1 Spreading Seas 1 Arid Mesa 4 Glacial Fortress 1 Jace Beleren 2 Condemn 4 Island 4 Plains 2 Mana Leak Sideboard 1 Elspeth Tirel 1 Deprive 1 Tectonic Edge 1 Day of Judgment 3 Spreading Seas 3 Celestial Purge 1 Jace Beleren 2 Flashfreeze 2 Condemn