2 The Wandering Emperor 4 Selfless Samurai 1 Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire 2 Traveling Minister 4 Voice of the Blessed 4 Welcoming Vampire 1 Brutal Cathar 2 Adeline, Resplendent Cathar 1 Ambitious Farmhand 4 Lunarch Veteran 4 Cave of the Frost Dragon 1 Pyre of Heroes 4 Righteous Valkyrie 1 Legion Angel 1 Skyclave Apparition 4 Luminarch Aspirant 1 Field of Ruin 3 Valorous Stance 16 Plains Sideboard 4 Wedding Announcement 3 Brutal Cathar 2 Ambitious Farmhand 3 Legion Angel 3 Skyclave Apparition