4 Shattered Sanctum 4 Voice of the Blessed 2 Deserted Beach 3 Lunarch Veteran 4 Elite Spellbinder 2 Vanishing Verse 3 Pyre of Heroes 4 Hengegate Pathway 4 Righteous Valkyrie 4 Glasspool Mimic 4 Clearwater Pathway 4 Brightclimb Pathway 4 Orah, Skyclave Hierophant 4 Cleric of Life's Bond 1 Skyclave Apparition 2 Skyclave Cleric 4 Inquisitor Captain 1 Plains 2 Swamp Sideboard 2 Go Blank 1 Vanishing Verse 2 Crippling Fear 3 Skyclave Apparition 1 Demon's Disciple 2 Valorous Stance 2 Disdainful Stroke 2 Duress