7 Plains 7 Forest 2 Disenchant 4 Brushland 2 Creeping Mold 3 Gerrard's Wisdom 4 Wrath of God 2 Enlightened Tutor 4 Oath of Druids 2 Cataclysm 4 Mulch 2 Wasteland 4 Scroll Rack 4 Gaea's Blessing 1 Aura of Silence 2 Quicksand 2 Archangel 4 Grasslands Sideboard 1 Circle of Protection: Red 2 Disenchant 1 Gerrard's Wisdom 2 Armageddon 1 Choke 4 Abeyance 1 Emerald Charm 1 Elephant Grass 2 Jester's Cap