4 Spire of Industry 4 Vault Skirge 4 Inkmoth Nexus 4 Signal Pest 2 Memnite 4 Mox Opal 3 Galvanic Blast 3 Etched Champion 4 Steel Overseer 2 Master of Etherium 4 Springleaf Drum 4 Cranial Plating 4 Darksteel Citadel 4 Blinkmoth Nexus 4 Arcbound Ravager 1 Welding Jar 1 Mountain 4 Ornithopter Sideboard 1 Shapers' Sanctuary 2 Ghirapur Aether Grid 2 Rest in Peace 1 Dispatch 1 Whipflare 1 Spell Pierce 2 Thoughtseize 2 Ancient Grudge 1 Rule of Law 2 Blood Moon