4 Sunken Hollow 3 Smoldering Marsh 3 Hangarback Walker 4 Jace, Vryn's Prodigy 4 Silumgar's Scorn 4 Draconic Roar 3 Foul-Tongue Invocation 2 Dragonlord Silumgar 3 Icefall Regent 4 Thunderbreak Regent 3 Haven of the Spirit Dragon 2 Crux of Fate 1 Silumgar, the Drifting Death 3 Swiftwater Cliffs 3 Dig Through Time 4 Polluted Delta 4 Bloodstained Mire 1 Swamp 1 Mountain 4 Island Sideboard 3 Radiant Flames 2 Transgress the Mind 2 Self-Inflicted Wound 2 Twin Bolt 1 Dragonlord's Prerogative 1 Disdainful Stroke 3 Negate 1 Duress