2 Domri Rade 4 Lotleth Troll 1 Abrupt Decay 2 Dreg Mangler 1 Thundermaw Hellkite 2 Searing Spear 4 Knight of Infamy 4 Cavern of Souls 4 Falkenrath Aristocrat 3 Hellrider 4 Geralf's Messenger 2 Tragic Slip 4 Gravecrawler 4 Diregraf Ghoul 2 Woodland Cemetery 4 Dragonskull Summit 4 Blood Crypt 3 Stomping Ground 4 Overgrown Tomb 2 Swamp Sideboard 1 Gift of Orzhova 2 Abrupt Decay 4 Deathrite Shaman 3 Bonfire of the Damned 3 Liliana of the Veil 2 Vampire Nighthawk