3 Prime Speaker Zegana 2 Mizzium Mortars 4 Izzet Staticaster 2 Yeva, Nature's Herald 4 Thragtusk 4 Nightshade Peddler 2 Bonfire of the Damned 1 Wolfir Silverheart 1 Cavern of Souls 1 Alchemist's Refuge 2 Wolfir Avenger 3 Pillar of Flame 1 Huntmaster of the Fells 2 Hinterland Harbor 2 Sulfur Falls 1 Kessig Wolf Run 2 Borderland Ranger 4 Rootbound Crag 4 Breeding Pool 2 Steam Vents 4 Stomping Ground 4 Farseek 1 Forest 2 Mountain 1 Island 1 Unsummon