4 Lotleth Troll 4 Deathrite Shaman 4 Gravecrawler 3 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben 4 Diregraf Ghoul 3 Inquisition of Kozilek 4 Vengevine 4 Bloodghast 4 Marsh Flats 4 Verdant Catacombs 4 Tidehollow Sculler 4 Oona's Prowler 1 Thoughtseize 2 Godless Shrine 2 Overgrown Tomb 3 Swamp 2 City of Brass 4 Gemstone Mine Sideboard 3 Pack Rat 2 Abrupt Decay 3 Creeping Corrosion 1 Disfigure 1 Maelstrom Pulse 2 Zealous Persecution 1 Thoughtseize 2 Extirpate