4 Deathrite Shaman 4 Lotleth Troll 1 Abrupt Decay 4 Faithless Looting 4 Gravecrawler 1 Tragic Slip 4 Bloodghast 3 Marsh Flats 3 Verdant Catacombs 1 Mutavault 4 Thoughtseize 1 Life from the Loam 4 Carrion Feeder 3 Polluted Delta 4 Cabal Therapy 3 Swamp 2 Squee, Goblin Nabob 3 Goblin Bombardment 1 Undiscovered Paradise 3 Badlands 3 Bayou Sideboard 1 Abrupt Decay 2 Surgical Extraction 1 Go for the Throat 1 Inquisition of Kozilek 2 Tarmogoyf 1 Krosan Grip 2 Dark Confidant 1 Darkblast 2 Duress 2 Dread of Night