4 Mental Misstep 4 Jace, the Mind Sculptor 4 Misty Rainforest 4 Scalding Tarn 2 Firespout 4 Ancestral Vision 3 Spell Snare 3 Repeal 1 Vedalken Shackles 5 Island 1 Forest 1 Mountain 3 Counterspell 4 Brainstorm 1 Dust Bowl 4 Wasteland 2 Blood Moon 4 Force of Will 3 Volcanic Island 3 Lightning Bolt Sideboard 3 Vendilion Clique 1 Sower of Temptation 2 Ancient Grudge 1 Life from the Loam 1 Engineered Explosives 3 Submerge 4 Red Elemental Blast