1 Sunken Ruins 2 Fire-Lit Thicket 3 Firespout 1 Mystic Gate 1 Festercreep 4 Primal Beyond 3 Reveillark 3 Cloudthresher 3 Nameless Inversion 1 Crib Swap 3 Shriekmaw 4 Smokebraider 4 Flamekin Harbinger 1 Horde of Notions 4 Vivid Crag 1 Incandescent Soulstoke 1 Vivid Grove 3 Vivid Marsh 3 Makeshift Mannequin 1 Wispmare 4 Mulldrifter 2 Graven Cairns 1 Swamp 2 Mountain 4 Reflecting Pool Sideboard 1 Firespout 4 Fulminator Mage 2 Puppeteer Clique 1 Nameless Inversion 1 Eyes of the Wisent 4 Sower of Temptation 2 Wispmare