1 Academy Ruins 4 Vesuva 4 Hallowed Fountain 4 Azorius Signet 3 Repeal 4 Remand 4 Condescend 2 Talisman of Progress 4 Cloudpost 2 Thirst for Knowledge 3 Mindslaver 2 Eternal Dragon 3 Decree of Justice 2 Flooded Strand 3 Exalted Angel 3 Plains 4 Island 3 Wrath of God 1 Adarkar Wastes 4 Fact or Fiction Sideboard 2 Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir 3 Condemn 2 Kataki, War's Wage 1 Stifle 2 Exalted Angel 2 Disenchant 3 Orim's Chant