4 Lotus Bloom 2 Mystical Teachings 4 Chromatic Star 4 Ghost Quarter 4 Conjurer's Bauble 4 Reshape 4 Second Sunrise 2 Seat of the Synod 1 Pyrite Spellbomb 2 Cunning Wish 2 Cephalid Coliseum 2 Plains 1 Sungrass Egg 3 Island 2 Mossfire Egg 4 Skycloud Egg 2 Darkwater Egg 1 Tolarian Winds 1 Orim's Chant 4 Archaeological Dig 4 Chromatic Sphere 3 Snow-Covered Island Sideboard 1 Trickbind 1 Wipe Away 2 Ancient Grudge 1 Angel's Grace 1 Pithing Needle 3 Engineered Explosives 1 Spoils of the Vault 1 Brain Freeze 1 Seedtime 1 Reclaim 2 Orim's Chant