4 Hallowed Fountain 2 Azorius Guildmage 1 Charge Across the Araba 4 Hand of Honor 2 Umezawa's Jitte 4 Shining Shoal 4 Isamaru, Hound of Konda 1 Eiganjo Castle 2 Eight-and-a-Half-Tails 1 Nagao, Bound by Honor 4 Samurai of the Pale Curtain 3 Kami of Ancient Law 17 Plains 1 Adarkar Wastes 4 Glorious Anthem 1 Paladin en-Vec 1 Infantry Veteran 4 Savannah Lions Sideboard 2 Ghost Quarter 2 Azorius Guildmage 2 Bathe in Light 1 Wojek Siren 1 Manriki-Gusari 1 Umezawa's Jitte 1 Opal-Eye, Konda's Yojimbo 1 Hokori, Dust Drinker 1 Eiganjo Castle 1 Kami of Ancient Law 2 Paladin en-Vec