4 Boreal Griffin 4 Gelid Shackles 4 Ohran Yeti 4 Scrying Sheets 4 Adarkar Valkyrie 4 Boreal Shelf 4 Glacial Plating 4 Phyrexian Snowcrusher 4 Skred 4 Adarkar Windform 4 Chill to the Bone 4 Gutless Ghoul 4 Rime Transfusion 4 Squall Drifter 4 Heidar, Rimewind Master 4 Arctic Flats 4 Chilling Shade 4 Rimebound Dead 4 Stalking Yeti 4 Highland Weald 4 Balduvian Frostwaker 4 Coldsteel Heart 4 Rimefeather Owl 4 Tresserhorn Sinks 4 Into the North 4 Blizzard Specter 4 Diamond Faerie 4 Rimescale Dragon 4 Wall of Shards 4 Mouth of Ronom 4 Boreal Centaur 4 Frost Marsh 4 Rimewind Taskmage 4 Boreal Druid 4 Frost Raptor 4 Ronom Serpent 4 Tendo Ice Bridge 4 Glacial Ray 4 Frozen Solid 4 Chill Haunting 12 Mountain 16 Island 12 Forest 12 Plains 12 Swamp 4 Gush 4 Thawing Glaciers 2 Sunstone 4 Winter's Chill 4 Winter Blast 4 Wall of Ice 4 Icy Manipulator