4 Loxodon Hierarch 4 Selesnya Guildmage 3 Selesnya Sanctuary 4 Temple Garden 3 Chord of Calling 3 Vitu-Ghazi, the City-Tree 3 Glare of Subdual 1 Miren, the Moaning Well 1 Nikko-Onna 3 Umezawa's Jitte 4 Shining Shoal 3 Yosei, the Morning Star 1 Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers 3 Kodama of the North Tree 1 Eiganjo Castle 1 Viridian Shaman 4 Forest 2 Plains 4 Brushland 4 Wood Elves 4 Llanowar Elves Sideboard 4 Giant Solifuge 2 Seed Spark 3 Congregation at Dawn 4 Pithing Needle 1 Kodama of the North Tree 1 Silklash Spider