2 The Meathook Massacre 4 Memory Deluge 1 Infernal Grasp 4 Shipwreck Marsh 3 Siphon Insight 1 Power Word Kill 3 Hall of Storm Giants 3 Iymrith, Desert Doom 3 Flunk 2 Ice Tunnel 4 Saw It Coming 2 Crippling Fear 2 Soul Shatter 2 Sea Gate Restoration 2 Jwari Disruption 2 Shadows' Verdict 4 Clearwater Pathway 2 Bloodchief's Thirst 2 Field of Ruin 3 Negate 6 Swamp 3 Island Sideboard 3 Suspicious Stowaway 1 The Meathook Massacre 2 Malevolent Hermit 2 Lash of Malice 1 Test of Talents 1 Crippling Fear 1 Soul Shatter 2 Disdainful Stroke 2 Duress