2 God-Eternal Kefnet 2 Tyrant's Scorn 1 Callous Dismissal 4 Enter the God-Eternals 2 Cry of the Carnarium 4 Pteramander 4 Thought Erasure 2 Notion Rain 2 Cast Down 2 Vraska's Contempt 4 Chart a Course 3 Augur of Bolas 4 Drowned Catacomb 4 Watery Grave 8 Swamp 8 Island 4 Opt Sideboard 1 Cry of the Carnarium 1 Unmoored Ego 4 Thief of Sanity 2 The Eldest Reborn 2 Hostage Taker 1 Disdainful Stroke 1 Negate 3 Duress