4 Nexus of Fate 4 Root Snare 4 Karn, Scion of Urza 4 Karn's Temporal Sundering 4 Teferi, Hero of Dominaria 3 Search for Azcanta 4 Irrigated Farmland 4 Scattered Groves 1 Bounty of the Luxa 3 Spring 4 Gift of Paradise 4 Haze of Pollen 4 Hinterland Harbor 4 Glacial Fortress 2 Sunpetal Grove 2 Forest 1 Plains 4 Island Sideboard 1 Patient Rebuilding 4 Jace's Defeat 2 Nissa, Steward of Elements 2 Druid of the Cowl 2 Baral, Chief of Compliance 4 Negate