1 Ravenous Chupacabra 2 Dusk Legion Zealot 3 Vraska's Contempt 2 Abrade 2 The Scarab God 3 Champion of Wits 3 Glorybringer 2 Fetid Pools 3 Canyon Slough 1 Cut 2 Shielded Aether Thief 4 Glint-Sleeve Siphoner 4 Aether Hub 1 Gonti, Lord of Luxury 4 Spirebluff Canal 4 Harnessed Lightning 3 Chandra, Torch of Defiance 4 Whirler Virtuoso 4 Dragonskull Summit 2 Drowned Catacomb 3 Swamp 3 Mountain Sideboard 2 Abrade 2 Hour of Devastation 1 Nicol Bolas, God-Pharaoh 1 Liliana, Death's Majesty 2 Aethersphere Harvester 2 Lost Legacy 3 Negate 2 Duress