1 Sorcerous Spyglass 1 The Scarab God 3 Fetid Pools 1 Servo Schematic 3 Tezzeret the Schemer 4 Maverick Thopterist 4 Fatal Push 4 Renegade Map 4 Spire of Industry 4 Metallic Rebuke 4 Herald of Anguish 1 Aethersphere Harvester 1 Inventors' Fair 4 Spirebluff Canal 2 Pia Nalaar 3 Cogworker's Puzzleknot 3 Contraband Kingpin 4 Prophetic Prism 1 Dragonskull Summit 3 Drowned Catacomb 3 Swamp 1 Mountain 1 Island Sideboard 1 Sorcerous Spyglass 3 Tezzeret's Touch 1 Aethersphere Harvester 3 Battle at the Bridge 3 Scrapheap Scrounger 4 Negate