2 Abrade 4 Supreme Will 1 Desert of the Mindful 1 Scavenger Grounds 1 Ipnu Rivulet 3 Censor 1 Commit 3 Sweltering Suns 2 Disallow 3 Torrential Gearhulk 4 Glimmer of Genius 4 Aether Hub 4 Spirebluff Canal 4 Harnessed Lightning 2 Jace, Unraveler of Secrets 4 Wandering Fumarole 2 Anticipate 1 Essence Scatter 4 Magma Spray 5 Mountain 5 Island Sideboard 1 Abrade 1 Crook of Condemnation 1 Hour of Devastation 2 Glorybringer 2 Disallow 3 Whirler Virtuoso 1 Filigree Familiar 3 Thing in the Ice 1 Negate