2 Disallow 1 Natural Obsolescence 4 Attune with Aether 4 Aether Hub 4 Glimmer of Genius 4 Spirebluff Canal 4 Botanical Sanctum 4 Harnessed Lightning 4 Torrential Gearhulk 4 Dynavolt Tower 1 Incendiary Flow 1 Confirm Suspicions 1 Void Shatter 2 Lumbering Falls 3 Horribly Awry 4 Anticipate 3 Negate 4 Forest 2 Mountain 2 Island 2 Shock Sideboard 2 Release the Gremlins 3 Shielded Aether Thief 1 Natural Obsolescence 2 Whirler Virtuoso 1 Confiscation Coup 1 Sphinx of the Final Word 1 Radiant Flames 1 Dampening Pulse 2 Dispel 1 Negate