4 Consulate Dreadnought 4 Sram, Senior Edificer 2 Peacewalker Colossus 4 Spire of Industry 4 Scrap Trawler 4 Ravenous Intruder 2 Heart of Kiran 4 Sly Requisitioner 4 Aether Hub 4 Concealed Courtyard 4 Inspiring Vantage 4 Scrapheap Scrounger 4 Thraben Inspector 2 Shambling Vent 4 Bone Saw 2 Swamp 3 Mountain 2 Plains Sideboard 2 Pia's Revolution 3 Battle at the Bridge 3 Unlicensed Disintegration 2 Reckless Bushwhacker 4 Gideon, Ally of Zendikar 1 Outnumber