3 Lathnu Hellion 4 Built to Smash 4 Smuggler's Copter 2 Aether Hub 1 Unlicensed Disintegration 4 Blossoming Defense 4 Blooming Marsh 4 Bomat Courier 2 Pia Nalaar 4 Voltaic Brawler 4 Scrapheap Scrounger 4 Inventor's Apprentice 1 Hanweir Battlements 3 Hanweir Garrison 2 Arlinn Kord 4 Game Trail 2 Foreboding Ruins 8 Mountain Sideboard 2 Nissa, Vital Force 3 Unlicensed Disintegration 2 Skysovereign, Consul Flagship 2 Chandra, Torch of Defiance 1 Foreboding Ruins 3 Tireless Tracker 2 Hissing Quagmire