3 Lifebane Zombie 2 Haunted Plate Mail 3 Dreadbore 2 Rakdos's Return 1 Underworld Connections 3 Rakdos Keyrune 1 Trading Post 3 Homicidal Seclusion 2 Tragic Slip 3 Liliana of the Veil 3 Victim of Night 2 Olivia Voldaren 4 Dragonskull Summit 4 Sign in Blood 2 Mutavault 4 Blood Crypt 2 Mutilate 16 Swamp Sideboard 1 Lifebane Zombie 2 Slaughter Games 1 Underworld Connections 1 Rakdos Charm 1 Trading Post 1 Appetite for Brains 2 Curse of Death's Hold 1 Sever the Bloodline 1 Witchbane Orb 1 Mutilate 1 Corrupt 2 Duress