4 Magma Opus 2 Prismari Command 4 Riverglide Pathway 2 Silundi Vision 1 Castle Vantress 4 Fabled Passage 2 Narset, Parter of Veils 1 Search for Azcanta 3 Field of Ruin 3 Abrade 2 Censor 2 Commit 2 Spirebluff Canal 3 Torrential Gearhulk 3 Mizzix's Mastery 2 Anger of the Gods 2 Pillar of Flame 4 Steam Vents 2 Mountain 4 Island 4 Memory Lapse 4 Brainstorm Sideboard 1 Torrent Sculptor 3 Shark Typhoon 1 Brazen Borrower 2 Mystical Dispute 2 Aether Gust 1 Disdainful Stroke 1 Anger of the Gods 2 Pillar of Flame 1 Ratchet Bomb 1 Negate