2 Jace, Unraveler of Secrets 4 Choked Estuary 1 Confirm Suspicions 1 Pore Over the Pages 3 Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet 1 Submerged Boneyard 4 Ruinous Path 4 Sunken Hollow 1 Transgress the Mind 2 Scatter to the Winds 1 Blighted Fen 2 Clash of Wills 4 Jace, Vryn's Prodigy 3 Languish 3 Anticipate 1 Dead Weight 4 Grasp of Darkness 4 Evolving Wilds 7 Swamp 5 Island 3 Duress Sideboard 2 Thing in the Ice 3 Flaying Tendrils 1 Ob Nixilis Reignited 2 Infinite Obliteration 1 Languish 1 Dragonlord Silumgar 1 Read the Bones 1 Dispel 3 Negate 1 Duress